Wednesday, September 11

home items for your hair

If you can think of one thing that salesmen try to convince you of in the beauty world, it's that they always have the next best thing to make you look younger and more fresh. Probably the second most advertised beauty product to make yourself better in some sort of way has to do with hair. And that's what I wanted to talk about today. Products that make your hair grow, make it shiny, healthy, and strong. But instead of spending a fortune on stuff that could or could not work, I wanted to find a way to use things that were already in my home. Plus, I'd rather be putting all-natural ingredients on my scalp than any other hair formulas.

1 eggs
The high protein content found in eggs helps with hair's brilliance and overall bounce. Who doesn't want that?! Combined with a couple of other oils, this is probably my favorite in the list.

Whisk together 1 egg, 2 Tbps of coconut oil, and 2 Tbps of sesame oil. My hair is thick so I doubled this. Apply to dry hair and wrap a hot & damp towel around your head. All you gotta do is chillax for about ten minutes. After time is up, work in some shampoo without wetting your hair, and then finally rinse that out and condition!

2 beer

This one is going to be the most fun to try! Oddly enough, your cuticles need some plumping up and the hops/yeast helps with that by swelling the hair follicles. In result -->VOLUUUME. Bada bing, bada boom. 

After you have shampooed but not rinsed your hair in the shower, pour an entire bottle of dark beer over your head. Then you can rinse it out and follow up with your conditioner. The higher the yeast content of the beer, the better this volumizing trick works.

3 olive oil

The beauty of olive oil is that it's the most favorite item for moisturizing over styled and frail hair. It's the favorite because it's so rich in Vitamin E and other fatty acids. No other item can compare. And without the Europeans, we might not have even known about his trick.

Before you hop in the shower, grab a bottle of any light olive oil and comb through your hair from roots to ends. You don't want your hair to be swimming in it, so be sparse. Cover hair with a shower cap or if you don't have one lying around, you can tie a grocery store plastic bag around it as well. Go about your normal showering routine, keeping your hair tied up for at least seven minutes, and then you can wash and rinse as usual. The end result is super shiny, moisturized, and soft hair.

4 mayo

Mayonnaise works similar to that of the olive oil. It can leave your hair feeling luxuriously healthy all the while making it moisturized and shiny. An added bonus is that it zaps some of your frizz. So if you don't have olive oil in the house, you most likely have mayo sitting in your pantry or fridge.

Dampen your hair with warm water. Scoop our some mayo and apply like you would a conditioner and lather on as much as you feel comfortable with. Wrap it up with a shower cap or plastic bag and let it sit for at least twenty to thirty minutes allowing it to penetrate each and every strand on your head. You can leave it on longer depending on how damaged your hair might be. When you go to rinse out the mayo, you might have to wash it several times due to the thickness of it. Once completely rinsed out, you will have all the vitality brought back to your gorgeous strands. AND you didn't have to go to the salon for it!

You can also add olive oil, eggs, or avocados to this recipe.

Which one do you want to try first?!

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